Monday, March 30, 2009

Sridevi's First Elephant

Sridevi has drawn an Elephant as a PET !!!! picture.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sridevi as a Garden Fairy

Sridevi has drawn herself as a little princess

First Halloween Drawing.

Sreyadevi told us it was a Good Scary Monster.

Sridevi wishes she would have long hair.

Sridevi has seen a 6years old little girl who has long hair while we were walking to the park.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sreyadevi walking with Sridevi on community trails

While we were going to the community park ,she saw Rainbow and Sun. That's how she got an idea for her Drawing.

Sridevi as a Little Mermaid and Sreyadevi as a Little fish

She has taken her Little Mermaid Toy as a Model for her Drawing.